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Summer in the Garden

With everything going on in the world, we thought we would take a break and give you a peek into the garden at Mayacama.

Squash, peppers, melons, onions, and tomatoes are just a few of the things grown at Mayacama for Members to enjoy. You may not know that just outside the kitchen walls sits a flourishing garden made up of raised beds and half wine barrels full of fruit and vegetables.


This year's climate has lent itself to a beautiful bounty of produce across the region, which is especially true here at Mayacama. Taking a stroll through the garden, your eyes are drawn to the vibrant vines of heirloom tomatoes climbing up arched trellises. Thanks to our Gardener, Joel Arcila, we are fortunate to grow a few of the many once-lost heirloom varieties.

Before the industrial revolution, many more types of apples, tomatoes, and other produce existed, in all shapes, sizes, and colors. These went to the wayside as other traits became desirable, such as consistent size, round shape, and how easily they could be packed and shipped. Tomatoes were harvested while green and ripened on a truck. In the 1980s, some of these lost tomatoes started to return thanks to small local farmers that knew the best tasting types needed a renaissance.

At Mayacama, we are lucky to grow vine-ripened heirloom tomatoes from seed. "Everything is organic, from the compost to the seed. My family has cultivated some of these tomatoes for more than 30 years, and I am excited to be able to grow them at Mayacama," says Joel, "The consistently warm temperatures have really produced some amazing tomatoes this year."


Tomatoes are best in late summer, and the kitchen has been utilizing these delicious heirlooms in a variety of dishes. Our new Executive Chef James Corwell has created recipes that showcase what makes these tomatoes incredible, from the classic BLT to Gazpacho and Panzanella Salad.

From Michelin-starred restaurants in the Bay Area to the farms in the central valley, Mayacama exists in a region that is at the heart of culinary culture in America. "We embrace this with the seasonal garden and aim to give a glimpse of this remarkable food experience to our Members with food that is nourishing to the body and the soul," Chef Corwell says.

We think knowing where your food comes from makes it just that much more enjoyable, and delicious. We hope you will join us soon to experience these delectable dishes, and if you are unable, please enjoy the recipe below that can be crafted with heirloom tomatoes from your local farmers market. Don't wait - they won't be in season long!

Click here for an Heirloom Tomato Salad recipe.


Annual Club Championships & The Mayacama Cup Match Play Championship Entry Information

Due to the current Coronavirus restrictions ordered by State and Local Governments, we are making the necessary adjustments to our two “Medal Championships” this year so that our players will be able to compete in a safe environment. We are confident that our protocols, similar to those being used at the Professional level, will allow us conduct our two Championships safely and responsibly, enabling us to identify and reward our Club Champions and Mayacama Cup Champions for the year 2020. Please click on the entries below for complete details for each of our Championships.

annual championships


mayacama cup
Teddy at the PGA Championship

We’re excited to have our Head Golf Professional Ted Antonopoulos again represent us a Rules Official at the year’s first Major, The PGA Championship. Originally scheduled to be played in May, this year’s PGA will take place at San Francisco’s Harding Park Golf Course on August 6-9. Look for daily blogs next week as Ted keeps us informed about his experiences at The 2020 PGA Championship. And be sure to watch the coverage on ESPN and CBS. Check local listings for times.

Temporary Hours of Operation

Bar & Grill | Open Wednesday - Sunday

  • Breakfast 8:00 am - 11:00 am (In-Room or Take-Out from Bar & Grill)
  • Lunch 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
  • Dinner 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm

In order to better accommodate our guests we have moved to reservations only for parties of 6 - 8. All other dining is on a first come, first served basis. The Bar & Grill closes between 3pm and 5pm in order to separate our staff shifts and sanitize the dining areas.

Snack Bar | Closed Tuesdays

  • 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (Opens at 8:00 am on Monday)

We have also adjusted pool operations, reservations will now only be required on the weekends, while operating on a first-come, first-served basis during the weekdays. Cabanas are available for reservation throughout the week. Take-out from the Clubhouse is available during the week, with full pool snack bar available on the weekend.

Starting times for Golf are available from 8am - 3pm, however, Members may walk and carry after 3pm on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please click here for the full adjusted hours of operation.


The Mayacama Connection brings you news and updates about Mayacama Golf Club and the wonderful events we have planned for you and your family. We hope that this newsletter and the website reflects our passion for making Mayacama one of the best Clubs in the country.

If you need assistance to log on to the Members Only Website, please contact Bryan Bell at [email protected]. Please note that all menus and event activities listed are subject to change. Unless otherwise noted, cancellations for events or Spa treatments made less than 48 hours in advance and no-shows may be charged in full.

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