One More Opportunity...
The wine orders keep pouring in, so if you have not turned in your form, we recommend that you click on the green wine order form button below and get it to me soon! Some Members were unable to attend this year's All Vintner Pour and so we are happy to give everyone one more opportunity to order these great wines!
The wines featured this year were off the charts! Many of the futures were previewed at the pour and our Members were the first to try these beautiful gems. We had three new Vintner Members at their first pour giving us the opportunity to introduce the Vintners and their wines to you. These new Vintners included ADAMVS, Boich Family Cellar, and Walter Hansel.
Again we would like to sincerely thank all of the participating Vintner Members for their hard work and support to help make it another memorable pour!
If you would like to see more photos and read my recap of the event, please visit my Wine Director's Diary.

Please click on the order button above for the All Vintner Pour wine order form.

Phone Orders
Jeff McCarthy 707 569 2906
Electronic Orders
Click on wine order form link above, complete quantities and shipping details, and email to [email protected].
Faxed Orders
Print wine order, complete quantities and shipping details, fax to 707 569 2999.
For all questions and orders, contact Wine Director, Jeff McCarthy. Let us know if you would like your wine shipped or placed in your wine locker. Sales tax and appropriate shipping will be added to all orders. Allow 2-3 weeks for account processing and shipping. During extreme weather, wine orders may be held until it is safe to ship.

Jeff McCarthy, Wine Director
[email protected]
707.569.2906 |