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Fall Release

SPRING GOLF COURSE AERATION by Dale Engman, Golf Course Superintendent

With the wet aeration week behind us I wanted to update you all on what we accomplished and what is outstanding with regards to the aeration process.

Fortunately we had two good, dry days to get some work done and we were able to complete the greens aeration and topdressing on Thursday, along with a few other areas. We were not, however, able to do much on the fairways. With nearly 2.5 inches of rain falling from Sunday evening through Tuesday, the fairways simply remained too wet to do much. We were able to aerate and clean up the fairways on holes 1 and 2 only, leaving us 11 fairways to complete.

The weather looks promising for next week and so we will need to close the front 9 Monday, April 7th in order to finish the fairways on holes 4-9, with the back 9 being completed on Tuesday. The plan is to be back to normal business with the full course open on Wednesday, April 9th.

Please continue to contact the Golf Shop at 707 569 2915 to get the latest updates. Thank you again for your patience.


THE FITNESS ROOM GETS NEW EQUIPMENT by Jonathan Wilhelm, Managing Partner

Visit the Fitness Room and try out the exciting new equipment that we have recently installed! At first glance the equipment may look intimidating but with a few minutes of instruction, you will find out how to utilize all the new features. We will have a fitness equipment orientation with Mike Kuebler during the times listed below. Drop by and find out how you can get the most out of your workout and reach your health and wellness goals.

Saturday, April 5
11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Sunday, April 6th
9:00 am - 11:00 am


SAFETY FIRST by Greg Brown, General Manager

Safety at the Club is one of our main concerns. Remember, golf cars may only be operated by persons sixteen years of age and older, holding a valid automobile driver's license. Especially now that we have big kids and little kids on bikes, we appeal to everyone to please drive safely and observe the posted speed limits on property. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Gatehouse to Swim & Tennis Driveway (35 mph)
Swim & Tennis Area (15 mph)
Maintenance Building to Clubhouse (25 mph)

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