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Club Update | July 16, 2020

Dear Members,

As COVID-19 continues to surge here in Sonoma County and around the US, we want to assure you that your health and safety are our top priorities. With this communication, our objective is to update you on the measures we are taking to ensure that we keep our community safe, our current case status, and the impact that this pandemic is having on our operations.

How is Mayacama addressing COVID-19 infections?

We tasked our Leadership Team to develop detailed protocols for evaluating employee health, testing, quarantines and contact tracing. We drew from CDC, California, and County resources to build a decision matrix to navigate the scenarios we could foresee. We also partnered with the Sonoma County Disease Control Health Officer to help manage any relevant cases.

What is the current status at the Club?

Last week, we had our first employee, a member of our housekeeping staff, test positive for COVID-19. This individual has not been on the property since June 28. Following our protocols, we sent our entire housekeeping staff home to self-quarantine for 14 days and get tested. We have had eight housekeepers test negative, one additional housekeeper test positive, and are awaiting the results of the others before additional housekeeping staff will be able to return. Through our contract tracing efforts, there was no Member “close contact,” and we believe due to our proactive measures to quarantine the housekeeping staff, we were able to prevent any further spread.

Additionally, a Golf Shop employee reported symptoms of COVID-19 before their shift on Friday, July 10. This employee has been quarantined and tested, and we are currently awaiting results. As a precautionary measure, the Golf Shop was closed, and the majority of our Golf staff is now self-quarantined and are receiving tests as well. We plan to reopen the Golf Shop once we receive the test results, and it is deemed safe.

We have had three other employees exhibit symptoms while monitoring temperatures at our Gatehouse, all were turned away and have been self-quarantined and tested. Their cases are being managed through our Human Resources office and will not return to work until cleared by Sonoma County Disease Control. All future cases will be handled according to this strict protocol.

Currently, we have not identified any direct “close contact” with any of our Members, but in the event that we experience another positive test, thorough contact tracing will be conducted in accordance with County guidelines.

As we work diligently to ensure the health of our employees, we also ask that our Members also self-report any positive COVID-19 tests in their households so that we can take appropriate actions to prevent the spread inside our community.

What is the impact to our Club Operations?

With employees quarantined from several departments around the Club, there are some temporary operational adjustments necessary to maintain an open and healthy Club.

Temporary Hours of Operations Effective Today

Bar & Grill | Open Wednesday - Sunday

  • Breakfast 8:00 am - 11:00 am (In-Room or Take-Out from Bar & Grill)
  • Lunch 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
  • Dinner 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm

In order to better accommodate our guests, beginning Wednesday, July 22, the Bar & Grill is moving toward reservations only for parties of 6 - 8. All other dining will be on a first come, first served basis. The Bar & Grill will close between 3pm and 5pm in order to separate our staff shifts and sanitize the dining areas.

Snack Bar | Closed Tuesdays

  • 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (Opens at 8:00 am on Monday)

We are also adjusting pool operations, reservations will now only be required on the weekends, while operating on a first-come, first-served basis during the weekdays. Cabanas are still available for reservation throughout the week. Take-out from the Clubhouse will be available during the week, with full pool snack bar available on the weekend.

Starting times for Golf will be available from 8am - 3pm, however, Members may walk and carry after 3pm on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please click here for the full adjusted hours of operation.

All events scheduled through the rest of July are now canceled, including:

  • Junior Golf Mini Camp: July 22 & 23
  • Family Movie Night: Friday, July 24
  • The Member-Member: July 31 – August 1

We will continue to follow our protocols and local guidelines to keep everyone at Mayacama healthy. Look for more updates as new information becomes available.

Do you have any other questions?

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our General Manager, Dan Michael, at 707.569.2951 or [email protected]

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