Dear Members,
As we reach our eighth week of Shelter in Place, we know many of you are eager to enjoy everything your Club has to offer. While we are still only permitted to have socially distanced golf and take-out food options, we are working towards bringing more amenities back online as soon as local and state guidelines will allow.
When can we expect the next Wine Offer?
Our Wine Director, Jeff McCarthy is currently working on a spectacular Vintner Member wine offer giving you access to our 42 Vintner Members' cellars. Hand-picked selections with Mayacama Member pricing will be coming to your inbox next Tuesday, May 19th, so be on the lookout!
Am I able to take a Caddie?
Starting Wednesday, May 20th the use of Caddies will be permitted, but not mandatory. Caddies must be reserved in advance when you book your starting times. Safe practices and social distancing will be required when using a Caddie, please review the list of protocols here.
Can I play golf as a Social Member?
Due to current circumstances, we are allowing Social Members the use of the golf course without it counting against your annual round limit. This will be temporary until other Club facilities come online at a later date. To make your advance starting time, please call the Golf Shop at (707) 569-2915.
When can we stay in the Residences?
We are currently developing protocols and guidelines that will keep our Members & Employees safe and healthy when you return to your Wine Country home. We are targeting occupancy to begin early June, as long as county guidelines permit overnight accommodations. If you have any further questions about the residences, please reach out to Daniel Hildebrand at (707) 569-2909 or [email protected]. Be sure to send a special congratulations to the first-time dad on the birth of his baby girl, Dorothy Rose, born on March 27!
When will the Clubhouse, Swimming Pool, and Gym reopen?
Currently, the only operations allowed by the county are socially distanced golf and take-out food orders. We are developing protocols in line with state & local regulations for all Club facilities. As soon as county regulations are modified, the Mayacama staff will be prepared to reopen these facilities in a safe & healthy environment.
How is the Employee Relief Fund going?
To date, because of your generosity, our Members have donated $210,100 to help support our Employees & Caddies. We have a second distribution of funds going out tomorrow, May 15th, with a final distribution planned for June 15th. We can not thank you enough for your support and willingness to help during these times. It means the world to our Employees & Caddies.
"I just wanted to thank you all personally, and, not just for your latest donation to the caddies of Mayacama, but for all the support you have put together over the past few years during the numerous emergencies that have affected us all. Your generosity throughout the past few years has been unshakable. "-Kevin Belew, Caddie
Do you have any other questions?
We will continue to update our Members with Club updates weekly, but if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact General Manager, Dan Michael at (707) 569-2951 or [email protected]. |