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We are thrilled to announce the integration of a new mobile app and program that will make requesting a tee time, tournament registration and dinner reservations at Mayacama very simple! Foretees is the leading software in the golf club world with an easy to use interface. You will love the ability to access the Club from your smart phone. Below are instructions for getting started.

1. Download the app on your device. Search for Foretees or Club Central.

2. From your desktop, go to Mayacama.com and login with your username and password, once logged in, hover over the golf tab for the drop down and select "Request a Tee Time" or "Golf Tournament Registration" which will bring you to Foretees to generate your unique username and password.

3. Enter your username and password into the app. This is a one time step. (Different from your mayacama.com login).

4. From the homepage of the app you will be able to see the Mayacama Connection and highlighted upcoming social events.

5. Click on the middle Foretees icon and you will find the Starting Time Request, Tournament Registration, and Dining Reservations!

Below is how the app will appear on your smart phone. For visual instructions, please click HERE. You may also visit or call the Golf Shop at 707.569.2915 if you have any set up questions.

We hope that you will take the time to set this up on your smart phone. We would to love to hear your feedback.

Mayacama | 1240 Mayacama Club Drive | Santa Rosa, CA 95403