The Annual Championships of Mayacama Golf Club
August 22 - 24, 2014
We look forward to your participation in The Annual Championships of Mayacama Golf Club. Information regarding Friday’s first round pairings, starting times, etc. will be posted in the Golf Shop at 8:00 am on Wednesday, August 20, 2014. It is the players' responsibility to contact the Golf Shop for this information.
Starting times will begin at 8:00 am on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at Hole #1. The competitors shall start at the time laid down by the Committee. The competitors shall remain throughout the round in the group arranged by the Committee.
Friday, August 22 - First Round
Men's Championship Flight
8:00 am - Starting Time on #1 Tee
Men's Mayacama Flight
8:40 am - Starting Time on #1 Tee
Women's Division
10:00 am - Starting Time on #1 Tee
Saturday, August 23 - Second Round
Men's Championship Flight
8:00 am - Starting Time on #1 Tee
Men's Mayacama Flight
8:40 am - Starting Time on #1 Tee
Women's Division
10:00 am - Starting Time on #1 Tee
Sunday, August 24 - Final Round
Men's Championship Flight
8:00 am - Starting Time on #1 Tee
Women's Division
8:40 am - Starting Time on #1 Tee
Men's Mayacama Flight
10:00 am - Starting Time on #1 Tee
3:00 pm - Awards Presentation on the Putting Green
Please Note: Starting times are approximate.
If a player arrives at his/her starting point, ready to play, within five minutes after his/her starting time, the penalty for failure to start on time will be 2 strokes at the first hole instead of disqualification. After five minutes, the player shall be disqualified. (Rule 6-3a)
Please feel free to contact the Golf Shop at 707 569 2915 if you have any questions.
Ted Antonopoulos - Head Golf Professional
Chapman Dundas - Associate Golf Professional
Andrew Black - Assistant Golf Professional
Zach Makilan - Assistant Golf Professional
Chelsa Robinson - Assistant Golf Professional |