We would like to invite and warmly welcome new and returning Campers to all the activities we have planned for Camp Mayacama 2014! Summer days are fun days for kids at Camp Mayacama and this year promises to be the best yet! We will have Tennis Clinics and Swimming Clinics every weekday (yes, even Tuesdays) through August 15th! Since these clinics are scheduled before and after themed camps and field trips, it’s possible for you to add tennis and/or swimming to your, already exciting day. New this year, we have added a classic style camp called “Summer Fun” on most every Monday and Tuesday through August 12th.
Browse through our camp schedule and decide how many events you can attend. With such a huge variety of camps, workshops, field trips, and activities to choose from, there is something for everyone.
In order to participate in any or all of these activities, have your parents either call me, email me, or log on to the Members Only Website and register you to join in on the fun!
Get ready to be inspired!
Adventure Up,
Denise Silveira, Camp Director