Mayacama invites you to experience Mardi Gras with our second annual authentic New Orleans style party! Enjoy classic Fat Tuesday libations, traditional appetizers, and an authentic dinner buffet with Flambeaux wines! St. Gabriel’s Celestial Brass Band will be back again this year to help us celebrate with traditional New Orleans swing music. This is one you don’t want to miss!
Menu Teaser
Pass Hors d’Oeuvres
Oysters Bienville
Crab Cakes Rex
Shrimp Rémoulade
Dinner Buffet
Tim’s Duck and Andouille Gumbo with Popcorn Rice
Arugula & Frisée Salad with Pickled Mirliton, Goat Cheese, Pecans and Steen’s Cane Syrup Vinaigrette
Fried Catfish with Mardi Gras Slaw and Cajun Meunière
Chicken Etouffée
Creole Beef Daube with Grits and Redeye Gravy
Voodoo Greens
French Bread and Sweet Butter
King Cake Bread Pudding with Rum Sauce
Petit Pecan Pies, Sweet Potato Tarts and Cream Puffs
*Subject to change
Registration: $100++ per person