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2018 Professional-Member Invitational Champions

Mayacama Member and Big Canyon Head Golf Professional Robert Pang with Amateur Partner Taylor Wood of Big Canyon Country Club in Newport Beach, California

An impressive 42 teams from around the country gathered at Mayacama Golf Club for the Fifteenth Playing of the Professional-Member Invitational. After a two year absence from the calendar, Professionals and Amateurs alike were anxious to return to Mayacama under perfect golf course conditions to compete in the two-day Four-Ball Stroke Play (better ball of two) format.

As winds picked up shortly after the start of Round 1, the 2002 PGA Champion Rich Beem and Amateur partner Morgan Gregory of GlenArbor Golf Club in Bedford, New York took the early round lead with an impressive score of seven under par 65. PGA Professional Robert Pang and Amateur partner Taylor Wood, both of Big Canyon Country Club in Newport Beach, California were one back with a six under par score of 66. And seven-time Mayacama Club Champion Ned Zachar and PGA Professional Rob Labritz of GlenArbor Golf Club rounded out the top three with five under par 67.

In the final round, Beem and Gregory fell back with an even par round of 72 for a seven under par total of 137 and tied for third place finish. Labritz and Zachar continued their great play into round 2, firing an impressive round of 65 for a two day total of 132. But that could not catch Pang and Wood. The team from Southern California bettered their first round score of 66 by carding a 7 under par 65 for a two-day total of 13 under par to secure the 2018 title. 2018 Mayacama Cup Match Play Champion Allan Ross of Calgary, Canada with Professional partner Patrick Steiner of Windsor Golf Club, finished tied for third with a final round score of 67 for a 7 under par total of 137.

Championship Flight Scores

TeamAffiliationTotal Gross
Champions: Pang / WoodBig Canyon CC131
Runners-Up: Labritz / ZacharGlenArbor GC, Mayacama GC132
Beem / GregoryPGA Tour137
Steiner / RossWindsor GC, Mayacama GC137
Miller / JohnsonSilverado GC, Mayacama GC143
Marshall / ManceSonoma GC, Mayacama GC144
Wentworth / ZubatkinCastlewood CC146
Kilgariff / HammThe Olympic Club, Mayacama GC148
Alley / RichardsonTahoe Mountain Club, Mayacama GC155
O'Leary / LovettHalf Moon Bay Golf Links, Half Moon Bay Men'sWD
Marsay / QvaleSan Francisco GC, Mayacama GC WD
*Tie breaker determined by 2nd round score.

Players went deep in Round 1 of the Mayacama Flight despite the windy conditions. Mayacama Member Gregg Hopkins and PGA Professional Jessica Reese-Quayle of Oakmont Golf Club led the way with an opening round 64. One back at 65 were Mayacama’s Rich Coombs and PGA Professional Jason Schmuhl of Windsor Golf Club, who were tied at 7 under par with Mayacama Member Jim Mills and PGA Professional Stuart Deane of Maridoe Golf Club in Texas.

But then the players went even lower in round two, and none more so than Dean and Mills. The Texas duo combined for a record score of 59 and a two day total of twenty under par for a net 124! Mayacama’s Ted Simpkins and Professional Cole Gibson of Morgan Creek Golf Club finished strong with a second round 63 to take second place at 129. And Mayacama Member-Guest Finalist Corey Thabit teamed with Scotland’s Brian Gunson, PGA Professional at Shady Canyon Golf Club in Newport Beach for a second round score of 63 and a third place finish at -14. Mayacama’s Stephen Wright and our own PGA Professional Zach Makilan carded a second round score of 64 to take fourth place at -13.

Mayacama Flight Scores

TeamAffiliationTotal Net
Champions: Deane / MillsMaridoe GC, Maycama GC124
Runners-Up: Gibson / SimpkinsMorgan Creek GC, Mayacama GC129
Gunson / ThabitShady Canyon, Shady Canyon GC130
Makilan / WrightMayacama GC131
Morse / DidionClaremont CC133
Reese-Quayle / HopkinsOakmont GC, Mayacama GC134
Schmuhl / CoombsWindsor GC, Mayacama GC134
Beeler / WilhelmTayman Park GC, Mayacama GC135
Saragueta / DelrioTPC Stonebrae, Mayacama GC136
Rauch / EdwardsBerkeley CC, Mayacama GC137
Gagnon / KellyGlenArbor GC137
Gibson / BalattiMorgan Creek GC, Mayacama GC138
Szot / AbelCordillera GC, Clubs at Cordillera138
Antonopoulos / GoldmanMayacama GC139
Black / MyersBurlingame CC, Mayacama GC140
Bolen / BullLahontan GC, Mayacama GC141
Theilade/ SherbourneOakmont GC, Mayacama GC141
Sands / ValliereOakhurst CC, Mayacama GC141
Stratton / FrenchStonewater GC, Mayacama GC141
Helget / HaldanMayacama GC, Pinnacle Peak C.C.143
Apple / SmithCountry Club of the Rockies143
Christ / FosterThe Fountaingrove Club, Mayacama GC144
Anderson / FrenchMayacama GC144
Lin / KilburnThe Olympic Club, Mayacama GC144
Corson / ValliereMartis Camp, Mayacama GC145
Stratton / KelleyMayacama GC, E-Club North Bay145
Hutter / JackThe Olympic Club, Mayacama GC149
Arends / GiddingsSonoma GC, Mayacama GC159
Devlin / GoldmanMenlo CC, Mayacama GC WD
O'Neal / PilgerMeadow Club, Mayacama GC WD
Dundas / WilhelmSanta Rosa G&CC, Mayacama GCWD

We want to thank all of the players for their support and participation in this year’s Professional-Member Invitational. It was great to be back on the grass with a strong field of 42 teams. We would also like to acknowledge those Members who contributed above and beyond the entry by making an additional contribution to the Professional-Member Invitational. As a result of your generosity, we were able to add an additional $4,500, which went directly into the tournament purse. Your generosity does not go unnoticed and we are grateful to you for your support.

Matthew Goldman
Don Grant
Johnna Grant
Rich and Judy Guggenhime
Miles Kilburn
Mark Martin
Sonja and Robert Pang
Ted Simpkins
Robert and Karen Valliere
Jonathan Wilhelm
James Johnson
Bisou Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon

Shortly after the start of the Professional-Member Invitational, we were quickly reminded of the cause of last year’s cancellation as smoke from the devastating Paradise fire eerily rolled across the golf course. Knowing firsthand of the loss that the residents of Butte County are experiencing, our hearts go out to all of those affected by this tragic event, and we mourn their loss.

Mayacama | 1240 Mayacama Club Drive | Santa Rosa, CA 95403