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October 15, 2021

Dear Residence Club Member -

Thank you for your participation in the Residence Club Selection Process. Please see below about the second round process.

As always we are providing you with a list of unavailable dates as a tool for this last Selection Round. This list is primarily the result of the first round of selection and can be used as the basis for your second round choices.

Unavailable Dates 2022
March 5 - 9
May 12 – June 1
June 5 – 8
June 12 – 26
July 24 - 31
August 11 - 28
September 1 - 11
September 25 – October 2
November 20 - 27

When seeing these unavailable dates, I want to make sure to express that we were again able to secure over 70% of you and your fellow member’s first overall date selections. Please also note that as you go into your second round selections, the most popular requests among you and your fellow Residence Club members were for 3-Bedroom residences over holidays/tournaments and in the summer. At this point, Villa availability in the months of June, July August and September is extremely limited if available at all so please take that into consideration as you are selecting vacation timeframes.

I would also encourage you to not get discouraged. As many of you know, things change. While I do not have an exact statistic, I can attest that many vacations in the summer will shift for one reason or another creating opportunity for Space Available or Short Notice stays. This is the nature of the Residence Club and what makes it a very successful club for many!

October 15, 2021 – Reservation Request Form Emailed to Members
October 31, 2021 – Form Submission Deadline
November 15, 2021 – Planned Vacation Reservations Confirmed

All reservation requests must be completed on the online reservation form and submitted by October 31, 2021. Verbal and telephone requests will not be accepted. Planned Vacations for the second selection period will be confirmed by email on or before November 15, 2021.

As a friendly reminder, we ask that you fill out the complete form with 4 different options for your final Planned Vacation. Please reference the dates above that are currently unavailable. This will not only help you secure something useful, but also help along the process. Lastly, please use the comments section to help us understand your intention. A good example of this is, “We wish to deposit this week into Elite Alliance, so the time frame does not matter, so long as we get a “Peak” week to deposit.

Click Here Button

Space Available reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis beginning December 1, 2021.

The links below will assist you in planning your future visits to Mayacama. The 2022 Event Calendar includes our major Golf Championships and our annual Club events. More activities for all ages will be added to the calendar after the new year.

Event Calendar - 2022

The Residence Club Rules & Regulations give more detailed information on the reservation process.

Residence Club Rules & Regulations Revised - August, 2015

Lastly, below is a link to the most recent Annual Residence Club meeting.

Annual Residence Club Meeting Minutes - 2021

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Danny Hildebrand, Director of Residences at 707 569 2900. We look forward to receiving your online reservation request forms.


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