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Dear Vintner Member,

Mayacama is proud to support the 13th Annual Schulz Celebrity Golf Classic, benefiting Sonoma County Children's Charities on June 3, 2014. The tournament, dinner, and auction have been a huge success in raising nearly $3,200,000 in donations for the beneficiaries which include the Boys & Girls Club of Central Sonoma County, PDI Surgery Center, Santa Rosa Catholic Charities Family Support Center, the Sonoma Academy Scholarship Foundation, and Children's Education Programs at the Charles M. Schulz Museum and Research Center.

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Every year, our Vintners generously donate a magnum bottle for the live auction lot – The Mayacama Vintner Salute! This lot continues to be a big hit, raising upwards of $16,000 each year!

As a way to raise money again for another successful auction in 2014, I would like to make this special request for ONE MAGNUM BOTTLE OF WINE from each of our Vintner Members. Hosted by Mayacama Golf Club, this event is the Club's one major charity commitment to the community. We believe that you too will want to join us in making a difference in the lives of so many children.

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Thank you for considering this donation request. Please send your magnum bottle to Wine Country Shipping by March 31, 2014.

Wine Country Shipping
Attention: SCCC Auction Lot
7686 Bell Road
Windsor, CA 95492
707 836 7748

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Additionally, if you would like your wine featured at the reception or dinner and would like to make a donation, please let us know. For more information on these exciting opportunities, please contact the charity's Executive Director, Amber Behrens at 707 837 7902 or [email protected].


Jonathan Wilhelm, Managing Partner

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Home: www.mayacama.com
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 707 837 7902
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