

“Wines inherit their qualities, their legacy of flavor, from the vines that yield their grapes. The characteristics of each vine are unique to their variety”. Jean Lenoir



The taste of wine derives from its chemical composition and its grapes, as well as winemaking techniques and aging methods. Using a mixture of scents and descriptions, the kit helps wine tasters learn about the aromas that characterize different wines.  The Le Nez Du Vin helps people awaken their curiosity for odors and helps then recognize those aromas found in wine.

The attractiveness of a scent is fundamental to the wine’s quality. We say a wine is delicate and refined when its smell is pleasant and harmonious. But how can an odor be described? It is possible only by using an analogy with a known smell which it resembles or brings to mind.

I began using a Le Nez Du Vin kit 15 years ago during my Port seminars. Those early kits contained 15 samples of aromas that were common in Port including fruit, flower, vegetable and animal aromas. I would have my guests try and identify the aromas blind, then I would unveil the name of the aromas and we would discuss each. Next I would have everyone sample two different Ports complete with tasting notes. They would then have to try and find each of the aromas on the tasting notes and discuss their conclusions with the group. By the end of the seminar, people would understand not only the aromas of Port but also where those aromas come from and how they add to the overall experience of the wine.

This summer, on a trip to Bordeaux, I was reacquainted with the Le Nez Du Vin kit.  The great news was there was a kit available with 54 aromas. This would allow me to work with any varietal. Happily, I purchased the kit and sent it to the Club to add to our wine education program.

We are taught to read, write, and count…why not to smell? Our nose is a wonderful detector and no scientific detection instrument can surpass its amazing abilities. Where food is concerned, the sense of smell is often relegated to a simple role yet it possesses fabulous potential. People who complain about not being able to detect aromas and flavors in wine or even food just have not had the opportunity to train their senses yet. You can practice your sense of smell at any age, and exploring the delights of wine tasting is a marvelous motivation.

In our everyday life, we recognize fruit, flowers, or spices mostly with our eyes. A visual image is associated with an odor and sight is our dominant sense. But what happens when you taste? To perceive exclusively an aroma, we need to practice blindly, so as to eliminate any visual perception and allow our sense of smell to take on its full dimension. Olfactory memories will thus become engraved in your mind. A “nose” or wine taster is someone who has built up a great olfactory memory, thanks to careful attention and regular practice and who can immediately summon up this or her olfactory memories. Remember the odors in your grandmother’s kitchen when growing up?



A comparison of two Napa Cabernets; one is mountain grown, the other grown on the valley floor. Guests are experiencing the aromas found in typical Napa Cabernet Sauvignon by testing the scents in each of the small bottles.  Then they try to find which aromas are associated with each of the two wines. What are the similarities….what are the differences? When in doubt, they can go back and visit each of the aromas found in the small bottles.



Cards provide pictures and descriptions for each of the aromas. Here are some examples of the aromas found in the Napa Cabs. As the experience of the guest increases, more aromas may be added. I like to start off slowly on the first tasting as people may be out of their comfort zone their first time out. It is amazing to see how well they do recognizing the aromas in the wine after going through the aroma samples blind.



Wine sensory seminars are available for Mayacama Members and their guests in groups of 4 - 10 based on availability Wednesday through Saturday. Cost of the seminar is based on the wine used during the seminar and if any food is ordered. Seminars last approximately 1 - 1.5 hours. For all questions and to make advance reservations, contact Wine Director, Jeff McCarthy.

Jeff McCarthy, Wine Director 
[email protected]