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Professional-Member Invitational

Thursday & Friday, November 7 & 8, 2019
ENTRY FEE: $700 per team | ENTRIES OPEN: July 1, 2019

Mayacama Golf Club cordially invites you to participate in the 16th playing of The Professional-Member Invitational. If you are a member of another golf club, we encourage you to invite the Golf Professional from that club to play as your partner. If not, Mayacama Golf Club will be pleased to pair our Members with a local Golf Professional. Our Professional-Member Invitational is the last of our “Majors” for the year and it has become one of our most popular events at the Club.

INVITATIONAL FORMAT: Four-Ball Stroke Play (One Better Ball of Two Partners) – 36 Holes. In Four-Ball Stroke Play, two players (one Professional and one Member) play as partners, each playing his/her own ball. The lower score of the partners is the score for the hole.

MEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT: In the Championship Flight, players will play at scratch from the Back Tee Markers.

MAYACAMA FLIGHT: In the Mayacama Flight, amateurs will be allotted 90% of their Course Handicaps. Maximum Course Handicap is 24 strokes for men and 36 strokes for women.

Men’s Championship Flight

  • Amateurs and Professionals shall play from the Back Tee Markers
Mayacama Flight
  • Male Amateurs and Professionals shall play from the Middle Tee Markers.
  • Female Amateurs shall play from the Forward Tee Markers
  • Female Professionals shall play from a combination set of tees (85%).

PRIZES: The Flight Winners will receive their individual champion’s plaques and have their names engraved on the perpetual Professional-Member Invitational Trophy. All other prizes will be in the form of gift certificate for Amateurs and cash for Professionals.

ENTRY FEE: The entry fee for this Invitational is $700 per two person team. $300 from each entry will go directly into the tournament purse for distribution to Professionals and Amateurs alike. Thank you very much for your continued support of our 2019 Professional-Member Invitational. The field will be limited to the first 40 two-person teams to register.

NON-TOURNAMENT PLAY: Starting Times for non-tournament play will be available after 3:00 pm on Thursday, and after 2:00 pm on Friday, November 7 & 8. Please contact the Golf Shop for non-tournament starting times.



Wednesday, November 6

Early Registration & Practice Round


Thursday, November 7

8:00am Registration Opens & Breakfast Buffet

9:45am Welcome & Format Explanation

10:00am Shotgun Start

2:30-5:30pm Players’ Welcome Reception


Friday, November 8

7:00am Breakfast Buffet

8:45am Players Meet at Driving Range

9:00am Shotgun Start

1:30pm Awards Luncheon

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